My journey to college has definitely not been an easy one. When I was finishing school I had a few ideas on what I wanted to do but I was still trying to figure it out. I was stuck between Fashion Design and Costume Design. Now, you may not think there's a massive difference between the two, after all there are a lot of similar skills required for both, but they are very, very different. That's why my decision was so tough. Either way, I needed an art portfolio to apply for them so that's what I focused on. I did a one-year Art and Design course which was mainly to help build up a portfolio.

I took that year to gain more knowledge about both courses I was interested in. Now, I love fashion and doing fashion designs, but I also love costume designing too. I spent so much time researching different costume designers, what their job role is, how to get started in that industry, how to gain experience, basically everything you'd need to know about being a costume designer. I did the same with fashion design and I defintely preferred costume design over it. Not that I disliked fashion design, it's just with costume design I feel like you have a bit more creativity and freedom in what you're designing, whereas in fashion you kind of have to follow trends and look ahead, and of course you can be as creative as you want, but I preferred costume.

I finished my Art and Design course, which I loved doing, and at the end of it I had a great art portfolio, with great sketchbooks and a costume designers sketchbook. I applied for Costume Design in IADT with positivity that I'd do well. When they look at your portfolio, they mark it out of 600 points and then add that to whatever points you got in your Leaving Certificate. I wasn't using my leaving cert to apply as I got higher results in my FETAC from Art and Design, so I was sure I'd do well when it all added up.

I got 450/600 in my portfolio which I thought was great along with my 345 points from my FETAC. I thought, I'd definitely get accepted. But then the offer rounds came along and I was left devastated. I forgot that they only accept 10 people each year and got so disappointed. I quickly began applying for other FETAC courses in Dublin, this time I applied for Fashion Design as there weren't a lot of costume design courses. I got accepted into the Fashion Design course and moved to Dublin.

Now, this fashion design course catered for costume designers too, as both need similar skills. So, I made it very clear I wanted to do costume design and my tutors encouraged that at first.. Then it went downhill. Costume Designers tend to go through a script/book and create the characters' costumes by their description and personality in the book, taking into account their gender, time period, age, etc. But my tutors wanted me to pick a book and then create the characters' costumes for S/S 2016. So they wanted me to take a fashion approach and make sure it's modern and fashionable for the future summer. I didn't like that. I did what I was told at the start but I hated the designs as they weren't what I wanted for the character. I wanted to make fantasy, game of thrones, style costumes, and I loved my designs and all the different techniques used to create the costume but my tutors hated them because they weren't fashionable and they failed me. This didn't bother me as I knew IADT would appreciate my costumes as I applied again with an updated portfolio.
This time in the points, I got 300/600. I was shocked. I added a lot more work and really showed them I was passionate and they still marked me lower than last year. I thought, there's no point in waiting around to see if I got accepted because I knew I wouldn't. I didn't make any plans or arrangements to go to Dublin again. I didn't save my money, nothing. I convinced myself to do an average business course that would give me job security, even if I wouldn't enjoy it.
Then the offers began and I got the business course first of all and thought 'okay this is my plan so' .. Then, a second offer was emailed to me.. I got the Costume Design course. To say I was shocked is an understatement! I was completely surprised, I didn't expect it or think of it at all. I cried, I was shaking, I was ringing everyone to tell them I got it, I was so excited!
Then, I realised I had no money for Dublin rent or college costs at all! So I started panicking, then I calmed down and decided to deferr my place for one year and go do the course next year in 2016 when I have money saved up!
So now my plan is to work, get a license, get a car, save my money for rent and go to Dublin next year! I'm super excited knowing that I have something to do next year and something to work towards, this is really a massive dream for me to get into this course and get the opportunity to work with amazing people and gain incredible experience!
It just shows that you should never give up on a dream, keep working towards it and it will pay off!