About Me

  Hi, I'm Katie I'm 20 and from Ireland

I'm very new to blogging and still trying to find my ropes but I do enjoy it and like it as a hobby so don't judge me too hard, this is just for enjoyment purposes.

I recently did a fashion design course and it opened my eyes to a completely new world. I always had an interest in my own personal style and went through so many phases to see what suited me and when I did the fashion design course I completely fell in love with all the different trends and seasonal wear and began watching and following fashion/beauty bloggers and it's become something that I'm really passionate about and I really enjoy fashion and beauty.

 Fashion is a way of making yourself feel good and a way of representing yourself and feeling confident with who you are and I love trying new things and having fun with it. 
It is probably my biggest hobby too, apart from Costume Design, I really enjoy fashion and seeing what the new trends are, I just love it so much, clothes are amazing.

My blog is a fashion blog mainly but I do post the odd beauty or lifestyle piece! As much as I love makeup and beauty, I'm just not great at it so it's not a regular occurrence on my blog!

I hope anyone reading enjoys my posts and thank you to anyone who has read any of my posts, I appreciate it very much!


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